Scientists say that in the future, humanity will speak the same language. Do you think this is a positive or negative social development? Discuss.

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There is a general myth that to succeed in the intercontinental society, the common
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is necessary. Many people believe that to promote globalization all the countries should have a global
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, few people advocate that it may have a negative impact on the local dialects.
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essay will discuss both the views in detail before giving my final verdict on
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, with the introduction of a global
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, the local dialects which are on the verge of being obsolete, may soon become extinct. In
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a scenario, all the literature and historical artefacts, written in that
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will lose their importance.
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, in most of the countries, the government is introducing new schemes to promote the local dialects.
For example
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, in India, the government in South Indian states has included their native
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in their school curriculum.
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, even though English is the mode of communication in schools, importance is given to state specific languages.
On the other hand
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, common
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among nations may help in promoting international trade and in sharing human resources.
In addition
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to it, it will enable all the intellectual people to document their knowledge in a single
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unlike today, where the translation of the knowledge base in nation specific
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is required.
For instance
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, poetries written by the famous Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar, has been translated into English, for people of other nations. All these efforts can be eradicated if a common
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is used across nations. To conclude, I opine that having a common
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may help in the expansion of international trade and in building a rational workforce.
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, it is clear that it has a more positive influence on the society.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • enhanced
  • streamlining
  • diverse cultures
  • accelerate
  • exchange of information
  • erosion
  • linguistic diversity
  • dominance
  • unequal power dynamics
  • marginalizing
  • reinforce
  • economic benefits
  • reduced translation
  • diplomacy
  • acquisition
  • exacerbating
  • social inequalities
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