It is considered by a stratum of society that the root cause of climate issues, in recent time, is the obliteration of specific types of plants and animals.
, the other group of people holds the different view that there are extremely critical environmental concerns than what is mentioned above. In my opinion, the Linking Words
statement outweighs the former one. In the given essay, I will discuss both of the persuasion confirming why I am inclined towards the latter view.
Linking Words
To begin
with, it is irrefutable that various types of herbs and wild creatures have become extinct. Linking Words
has led to ecological imbalance due to breakage of the food chain system. Linking Words
For example
, as per a research the specific type of sheep "Snare" was the main food of a giant eagle, and when it eloped due to scarcity of grass in the mainland; Linking Words
, the bird which was a predator Linking Words
disappeared. Linking Words
, the environmental problem is connected with the loss of plants and animals. Linking Words
, Linking Words
situation is not only one of the major reasons.
Whereas a lot of people are becoming aware that climatic change is the biggest challenge as Linking Words
is impacting adversely not only to wildlife but Linking Words
to humankind. Linking Words
For example
, various scientists have done the research in Linking Words
particular area, and they have found that various acts of human are responsible for Linking Words
situation Linking Words
as fumes from factories, trashes into the oceans, and cutting down of trees. Linking Words
has resulted in air pollution, water pollution and soil erosion, which mean mankind is attacking nature from all the sides.
To summarize, Linking Words
it is undeniable that extinction of various species has taken place, the problem related to the environment is far bigger because humans are destroying its own motherland obnoxiously. So, we all need to act wisely and should take steps to save the nature.Linking Words