In the recent days, foreign food items have increased a lot as people today are excited to try different and new eatables. Some of them believe that stocks that are shipped has positive effects on our lives and I completely disagree with
fact. Linking Words
essay will explain, how imported eatables are affecting the human beings in an unusual manner and give reasons for the same.
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, the local farmers are discouraged when foreign products are marketed. Linking Words
In other words
, home grown crops will get less attention in front of foreign food items. Linking Words
As a result
of Linking Words
, crops harvested would go to waste and the farmers will be disappointed with their poor returns that they earn. Linking Words
For instance
, locally grown apples are not so popular in my country in front of apples Linking Words
that is
imported from Sweden which is widely sold in the markets.
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On the other hand
, many find the joy in other things, Linking Words
as spending valuable time with family, helping others, posing a good health. Mean to say despite of having a good bank balance some won’t be having a peaceful life. Linking Words
For example
, Steve Job, founder of Apple, even though he had a remarkable social status, hefty bank balance, he couldn’t survive with Cancer. Linking Words
, it is important have love, care and wonderful health to be happy.
To conclude from the above discussion, imported items does not lead to any positive impacts to our lives, Linking Words
would discourage the local grown harvests. In order to lead a better and healthy lifestyle, one has to consume home food.Linking Words