It is often argued by some parents that they should set a rule to prevent their underage children from getting out
after Change preposition
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late at night. I completely agree with
opinion and think young children must not
letAdd a missing verb
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out after
thereCorrect your spelling
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own safety. First of all, I believe that
retainingVerb problem
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youngsters home after
prevents them from falling into unwanted troubles. Rather than allowing young teenagers
goFix the infinitive
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out late at night and let them do whatever
they desire, which might drag them into unnecessary problems.
HarwardChange noun form
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research, there are high chances of getting their life in danger by dangerous
personalsReplace the word
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like petty thieves, muggers, and robbers. Or even get caught in a street fight.
why our younger generation should
protectWrong verb form
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by a strict rule by their guardians from
the Correct article usage
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late-night visits for their safety.
, I
consider a law that holds
the Correct article usage
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youngsters from
after Add a hyphen
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journeys will restrain youngsters from utilizing unwanted substances that can destroy their valuable younger life.
, there is a higher possibility of the
addictReplace the word
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forChange preposition
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harmful things like drugs, cocaine, and heroin. Or force them to use unsuitable things by others.
as adults, we should emphasize why it is an import
ofChange preposition
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a law to prevent them from
, considering their wellbeing.
, I strongly believe
very important to enforce a law for
the Correct article usage
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people below 18 years of age
from goingChange preposition
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out later at
. By considering the safety and blocking
involvingWrong verb form
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with poisonous substances.