there are various medicines to cure an unhealthy patient, the attraction towards the alternate form of tablets has been increased in the modern days. As these types of drugs are deleterious to our health, and sometimes not effective, we must start to avoid them. Not only side effects is the problem of using these drugs, but
some doesn't work as prescribed;
, I would agree with the above statements and we will ponder the negatives of using these pharmaceuticals in
While there were a plethora of drawbacks in using alternative forms of drugs, the side effects of using those plays a vital role.
, the use of these pharmaceuticals may lead to have other health problems, but fails to resolve the particular disease;
, sometimes they may lead towards death. Most noticeable of all, the consumption of these drugs leads to different health issues
as brain trauma, headache because of the chemicals that were used in it, so we must follow some methods before having them.
, there were situations where many people died because of the incorrect dosage of these drugs, and
, they must consult the doctor before having these medications. While the points referenced here seem convincing, we still have one more persuasive topic to cover.
As these drugs were prepared with the mixture of numerous chemicals, sometimes they would fail to show their effect on the patient. Citizens need to spend too much of their income in order to purchase these medicines;
, these remedies were not hygienic to consume because of using a combination of chemicals. Even though some remedies might work, purchasing of these would cost more when compared to other pharmaceuticals, so people who were unable to afford that amount fails to use these drugs;
, a survey released by the government shows that the drugs, which were required to cure a disease named dengue costs higher the hospital cost because of the power of the medicine. Meanwhile, though a person could be able to afford these medications, the ineffectiveness was leading them not to be hygienic, and was making the patient to face alternative complications. The supporting points show the reasons for agreeing with the above statement.
In conclusion, the utilization of these optional forms of medications must be avoided because of irrelevant chemicals used in them, and
, we must agree with the above statement. These tablets might lead us towards extra diseases
of curing of the present disease, and sometimes these may cause death.