In the modern world, many people are willing to explore the space in form to colonise or search for other planets.
, others feel that the government should subsidise other projects rather than these activities, as they are not beneficial for the human kind or other areas Linking Words
as education and health care are more essential than researching the outer area. Personally, I believe that the authorities should pay attention to the other planets in order to collect the information for the ordinary people.
On the one hand, it is true that humankind cannot live on the Earth in the future, as its atmosphere is polluted. In Linking Words
reason, many people are reckoned to think that Linking Words
kinds of researchers are beneficial for the society. Linking Words
, the Earth cannot provide the food and material resources, as the population is growing. To illustrate, 1 billion people are born in the Linking Words
decade. Linking Words
As a result
, the planet is suffering from overpopulation.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, it is clear that many people are keen to think that the government should spend the budget for its citizens, as they should receive the education, health service and food resources. Linking Words
, they tend to think that cosmos exploration is too expensive and not profitable. In Linking Words
regard, many people believe that the authorities should not hold the research of outer space. Linking Words
, the private companies can solve Linking Words
problem. Linking Words
For example
, a SPACE X company is exploring the Mars in order to send a manned space flight.
In conclusion, Linking Words
many people believe that Linking Words
kinds of activities are not beneficial for the people, personally, I believe that government should fund Linking Words
kinds of researches in order to provide the information for the ordinary people. Linking Words
In addition
, the solar system should be learned because it is vital for the Linking Words
generation.Linking Words