expeditiously evolving world, clothes, which were once only a part of our lives, are now defining humans and their social status. People nowadays, are exploring and buying various kinds of clothes across the globe. Linking Words
has led to a cultural shift. There are certain positive and negative developments attached to it.
Throwing light on positive enhancements, people now have a slew of options to choose from. Linking Words
As a result
, different types of occasions and events can be attended by wearing a variety of clothes. To illustrate, we wear, ethnic clothes during national festivals and suits during formal parties. Linking Words
, clothes represent a culture and because of which, we feel connected to numerous cultures. Linking Words
, Linking Words
has proliferated our emotional intelligence more than ever. Linking Words
, local businessmen, who used to sell their clothes only to dwellers, have now improved their businesses to global level. Due to which, many countries’ economy has ameliorated.
Paradoxically, some pragmatists propound that Linking Words
increase in demand has deteriorated the environment as more production in the factories mean more carbon emission. Linking Words
As a result
, our ecosystem is paying the price of our interests. Linking Words
, few people have got influenced by clothing style so strongly that a difference in opinions among family members, friends and colleagues has started to develop swiftly. To illustrate, millennials these days judge others just from their clothes and dressing sense. Linking Words
has increased friction in thoughts in the workplace, in families and among friends.
To conclude, it is evident that variety of clothes revamp our status, make us connected to others and aid manufacturers and sellers to upscale their businesses, Linking Words
it is heading towards a judgmental society. Linking Words
, it is suggested that we should globalize ourselves, but should never forget our rootsLinking Words