In the current decade, the automation has entered our houses and the manual work is taking a toll. Machines bring accuracy and save time in our day to day tasks,
, they lack in self adjustments and emotions. Linking Words
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essay will discuss the above said statement in detail to find who the winner in pros vs cons is.
On one side, when we are supposed to do some domestic work every day, we tend to make mistakes on some days or forget to do it. Linking Words
, machines can perform the same task with accuracy on a daily basis. Linking Words
, they are of high importance in repetitive tasks. Linking Words
For example
, we need to turn off the lights before leaving our house and sometimes we forget, but nowadays we have smart sensors which sense the absence of humans and automatically switch off the lights. Linking Words
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much about accuracy will always outweigh the manual output.
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On the other hand
, whatever efficiency technology can bring, but it cannot understand the emotions and do self-adjustments by itself. Linking Words
For instance
, if we have a story telling gadget for our children which will run after Linking Words
the children in bed. Despite its advanced technology, it will never be able to judge whether the children are interested in the story or not. Resultantly, the story telling the act of causing something to go (especially messages)
grand mother
cannot be replaced by the mother of your father or mother
In conclusion, there are many things which can be easily replaced by the perfection of machines to improve our lifestyle, but at the same time, many household activities require more human touch and emotions which can never be done by a machine. In my opinion, Linking Words
topic has its advantages and disadvantages in balance.Linking Words