expeditiously transforming world, the idea of the right age of marriage and having children has attracted a lot of voices. Some believe that after 30 is an appropriate age, while others are not in support with Linking Words
. Considering it to be a negative shift, I would try to substantiate the same.
To embark on the idea which considers it to be a positive, some savants propound that people today have become more career oriented, and Linking Words
as a country we have taken a more progressive path. To elucidate Linking Words
Linking Words
, let’s consider the education development. Millennials have started keeping the responsibility of a kid in the bay and Linking Words
as a result
the number of people opting for higher studies has proliferated significantly.
Accentuating the compelling side, some people reckon that human body, especially that of a woman, undergoes eminent biological changes after the age of 30, that might hamper a healthy pregnancy. Linking Words
, there might be complications which would risk the lives of the mother as well as the child. Linking Words
, it has been observed that the number of miscarriages has been aggravated because of an unhealthy womb and a changes lifestyle. Linking Words
issue not only harms during the pregnancy, but might as well create health problems for children after birth. To illustrate Linking Words
Linking Words
, it has been noticed that the number of children suffering from dyslexia has elevated by a tremendously high margin, resulting in a shaky future.
To summarize, I would contemplate that career and education have taken a paramount position today, but health issues cannot be ignored. The delay might give an upsurge in the educational field, but would not provide a suitable country’s future, Linking Words
leading it to a pessimistic development.Linking Words