People always grow up and the way of nature that they will turn from a baby to an older person. Many things can happen around the period of growth. Some people hope that they remain a teenager forever, but the other people like to be adults. It depends on the people and the happiness can be achieved in both ages.
, being the teenagers make them free and they do not think about life’s complexity of a great deal. Linking Words
For example
, the girls and boys in the school prefer to think about their lesson than having a job and taking family responsibilities. They think Linking Words
way because they assume that they have their parents who can take care of the family and finance their study for the school. Their responsibilities are to study hard so they can pass the exam with the highest score. Usually, they meet their Linking Words
love in school that makes them happy. They do not think about how to earn money, they dream, try to do live life with fewer responsibilities and complexities.
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, becoming an adult is very interesting. An adult usually has a bigger chance to try something than the teenager Linking Words
as having an identity card, driving license, credit card, freedom of spending and having a great job. They can manage their own time to do that they want or they can make a decision where they face the problem. They can get much money from their job so they can spend it to buy things that they need. They Linking Words
travel to different tourist places and spend their time with other people that they care about.
In conclusion, being happy as a teenager or an adult depends on the individuals and both ages brings the happiness it is carefully chosen. When they can enjoy their life, they can be happy and being happy is a mental state, mostly and can be achieved in both the period of life.Linking Words