Wealthy countries should accept more refugees and provide them with basic assistance, such as food and housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that rich countries do help to refugees with concern of primary assistance but others opposed to it. In
essay I will discuss why we should provide the helping hand to refugees? To
and foremost, wealthy nations have enough sources in terms of financial as well as commercial for survival for longer time.The countries
as Canada, U S A have higher living standards and
have facilities to make their economy stronger
of others. They have more opportunities to improve and maintain their structure of countries.
, Government of these countries should provide homes and necessary supplies in their bad times.
On the other hand
, Nobody wants to leave their home and their families unless it is essential to do so. Persons forced to leave their country due to war, conflict or persecution.
, wealthy economies have mentally or physically support of their nation. Refugees don't have it. According to U N report of 2018 studied that more than two-thirds of needy persons came from Syria, Afghanistan.We often see most of the foods and other things are wasted in functions so, it is better to save their lives and provide basic needs. As a Consequent they can live happy and will able to start a new life in new ways.It will be more beneficial for refugees to start a new journey of their future. In conclusion, It is a moral duty and responsibility to every nation to do help to others.
On the other hand
wealthy countries can afford easily and resettle the lives of refugees. They can support many human beings by providing them shelter.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Refugees
  • Asylum seekers
  • Humanitarian aid
  • Integration
  • Multiculturalism
  • Economic impact
  • Public services
  • International law
  • Conventions relating to the status of refugees
  • Labor market
  • Cultural enrichment
  • Burden-sharing
  • Resettlement programs
  • Host country
  • Border security
  • Comprehensive policy
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