It is generally believed that some people are born with certains talents, for instance for sports or music, and other are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musicians. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People have always debated on the ideas of inborn talents and acquired talents, discussing its validity and supremacy.
, it highly depends on the penchant inclination of a child, which inspires him to master the
. With the help of studies from Oxford University and examples, I will discuss both the views. On one hand, some people believe you can master, sports or music, through continuous learning and practice, but there are so many cases which contradicts
For instance
, if you cannot hear the difference in music chords
A Minor or B Flat, irrespective of how hard you try, you won't succeed at it. There are
examples, where children playing a sport under parental pressure, eventually burn out and succumb to failure. So, even though learning a
can get you to a particular point, but succeeding at it depends on various others factors which cannot be derived from hard work and teachings.
On the other hand
, people might be born with a particular talent, but that does not mean they would be good at it.
For example
, there are many people who have a perfect pitch, but they might not be great at utilising it, to make mesmerising music. Inborn
gives the child a head start, but to maintain the lead they have to
seemingly without interruption
work on improving it. A recent study from Oxford university showed that, nearly 30% of the celebrities who are among the elite in their field start their careers later in life.
, the given examples show that even though you are born with a
, does not necessary mean that you will be the best at it if you pursue it. In conclusion, I would like to say, a
is a dynamic factor in life, irrespective if you born with it or you have learned it, you will have to keep on learning it. As change is the only constant, any
will get obsolete if not learned
and if you are not good at something, how much ever you try you might not be able to learn something in life.
Submitted by Nirbhay on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • innate talent
  • genetic predisposition
  • prodigy
  • structured training regime
  • practice and dedication
  • nature and nurture
  • high-quality training
  • persistent effort
  • proper guidance
  • excellence
  • proficiency
  • natural abilities
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