Crimes are inevitable nowadays. Every day, there are numerous burglaries, murders, robberies taken place almost everywhere on the planet. The government has set out efficient rules to reduce crimes. One of them is sending the guilty person to prison. Many people state that those who commit to crime should be sentenced to long
prisons, whereas others argue that there are different approaches to cut down crimes. In Use synonyms
essay, I will discuss both claims from my own point of view.
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of all, it cannot be denied that long Linking Words
prisons are essential. To the best of my knowledge, criminals are very dangerous, especially murderers. Many of whom are cold-blooded, which can lead to miserable situations. As can be seen clearly, many murderers are unwilling to turn over a new leaf after having finished their judgement. Use synonyms
, they are likely to commit to crime once they get out of jails. In Linking Words
cases, I believe putting these people behind bars is the best solution to reduce crimes. Linking Words
, a great deal of prisoners was sentenced to long Linking Words
prisons because of their sins in the past. Use synonyms
is a way to make them repent themselves of what they have done.
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On the other hand
, a number of prisoners realise their guilty actions soon enough so they should receive humaneness. Linking Words
can be an encouragement from the public for them to make a better life for themselves. Linking Words
, long Linking Words
prisons can indirectly cause crimes. Use synonyms
For example
, if people are sentenced to prison for too long, their relatives may feel unfair and Linking Words
cause crime as a way to revenge the government. Linking Words
In addition
, not everyone deserves long Linking Words
prisons. In fact, we should give them a Use synonyms
chance to make a new life.
To sum up, I agree with both statements. Government should work out the best solutions to reduce the rate of crimes in every country.Linking Words