In recent times, the consumption of sugar-based drinks have increased drastically by the people, which might deter their health.
essay will discuss the potential causes of the above notion, along with the remedies to curb it.
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To begin
with, the reasons behind the high rate of consumption of sugar-based drinks are their attractive promotions with the preferable test and the modern lifestyle of the people encourage them towards it. Nowadays, in a competitive market, the manufacturers of soft drinks promote their products with the face of famous celebrities; Linking Words
as a result
, many youngsters are attracted to Linking Words
unhealthy drinks. Linking Words
, the drinks consist of sugar as its main component, which provides good taste and the people get the affection to Linking Words
products. Linking Words
For instance
, Indian Cricket Team is promoting a sugar-based drink called Pepsi, Linking Words
many cricket fans used to have that product to imitate their favourite team. Linking Words
, the modern fast paced lifestyle provokes the people to consume more fast-food and soft drinks, which deteriorate their health.
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On the other hand
, by conducting few preventive steps one can reduce the habit of drinking Linking Words
unhealthy drinks. Linking Words
, the people should develop a habit to read all the contents of the soft drinks, which they are going to consume. Linking Words
, all the soft drinks are not having excessive sugar, they should choose Linking Words
alternative products. Linking Words
, the parents should guide their adolescents not to imitate everything which is broadcasted on TV and newspaper advertisements and aware them about potential negative side of Linking Words
products. Linking Words
, the government should run awareness campaigns throughout the country about healthy diet. Linking Words
For example
, Fit India campaign has integrated many citizens towards healthy dietary.
In conclusion, the habit of drinking sugar-based drinks of the people would not be changing rapidly. But the preventive efforts of an individual and the local authority will bring positive change in society gradually.Linking Words