People are becoming very selfish nowadays. They cut the trees in the forest and make use of them.
, Linking Words
as a result
, there is a rapid increase in the global warming. In Linking Words
essay we will come to know the root cause, what effect does? And try to come up with some solutions.
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To begin
, These days the value of timber is going very high wherein everybody like to decorate their houses with the costliest wood possible to show off their luxury. Linking Words
For example
, a person named XYZ in USA brought a dining table worth 10000 USD which is not necessary. Linking Words
, there is a lot of illegal smuggling happening all over the world due to its high value. No one is bothered about the after effect it causes. As a consequence, there is an increase in the greenhouse gases, melting of the ice glaciers, disturbance caused to the food chain in the ecosystem.
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, the government should come up with strict rules so that it will be a punishable offence if somebody is caught cutting the them illegally. The school and colleges should encourage the young ones to plant them in their neighbourhood. Linking Words
For instance
, according to ABC stats there are only 100 plants being planted for every 1000 trees chopped off. The future generation should take care of it and try to maintain ecological balance. Linking Words
, they will be in for some hard time ahead.
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, It is the prime duty of each and every individual who breathes in the planet, to take care of the mother nature. More awareness could be created among the people to show the after effects of deforestation before it is too late.Linking Words