Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work. How do you think children should spend their free time? give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples.

Children are the future of the nation,
people are more inclined towards them to have a check upon what they do throughout the day. There are people who believe that children acquire a lot of time which should be utilised for enhancing their academic scores,
, I hold a strong disagreement with
notion as a complete balance between the academic and personal life is equally important. The believe that students are left with an enormous free span is irrelevant as after dealing with the school hours and
completing homework at home, they hardly get any free slot to do other works.
, they should utilise the available span in doing several other activities like playing and interacting socially which are equally important for their mental and physical development.
In addition
, deterring the students from
activities and scheduling them towards only studies, increase their level of stress, which
causes anxiety and other psychological disorders. Not only
, lack of physical activities, can predispose them to several physiological disorders like obesity, diabetes and blood pressure. To illustrate, a recent study of the Child Healthcare Development suggests that, preventing students from going out and exploring their surroundings hinder their ability to indulge into social interactions and overall behavioural and physiological development. According to me, students should utilise their leisure minutes and hours in exploring their environment.
would not only provide them the opportunity to meet new individuals, but would
help them to engage in several other sports events.
active participation would positively affect their physical health, eventually developing their good mental health.
For example
, a WHO report suggests that, children who do regular physical task are less disposed to physiological and psychological disorders. To sum up, the notion that children get an enormous free time is unacceptable.
, in my opinion, they should utilise the available leisure period for going out and working on their physical and social development.
Submitted by poonam889sharma on

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