It is certainly true that today more TV and movie personalities are better known for their glamorous look and wealth rather than their accomplishments.
will probably have a negative impact on gullible young individuals but not for the Linking Words
thinking teenagers.
The primary reason to agree with Suggestion
statement is that minors are gullible. They are easily taken into those who they watch Linking Words
television, movie or even in advertisements. Suggestion
For instance
, Philippine presidential sister and TV and movie superstar, Ms. Kris Aquino is the most admired especially for the Filipino adolescents, and at the same time most dislike celebrity in the country. She came from a very powerful political family, but she uses her wealth for the sake of glamour through liposuction and spending too much for expensive branded products Linking Words
as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Hermes. Linking Words
will perhaps affect believing younger people in a negative way because she is actually showing that it is alright to spend too much money for manipulating God-given body and for unnecessary costly things.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, not all young ones are credulous; most of them are critical thinkers. So they are Linking Words
enough not to look just the allurement and richness of TV and commercial stars but to focus their notable achievements. Suggestion
For example
, the international boxer figure, Emmanuel "Manny" Linking Words
Pacquiao who
was Accept comma addition
Pacquiao, who
a typical Filipino poor man, and became an extremely wealthy boxing man because of his Linking Words
perseverance and dedication. These are the qualities some youths in the Philippines are trying to emulate
In conclusion, I think that in my country, there are more discerning younger people than unwise ones. So they are not easily affected by just the celebrities' beautiful aura and wealth. They know which one to be emulated and Suggestion
that is
the figure's good qualities.Linking Words