Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

According to some people / a few people, the external appearance and dressing style of a
can reflect their cultural values and personality traits. Personally, I disagree with the opinion that the choice of clothing should be used to deduce the
of a
. Some of the sentiments and traditions can be inferred from the dressing one chooses to wear, but it is only limited to the
For example
, consider the Sikhs who wear the turban. It definitely gives us an idea about the background of the
and perhaps
his nationality.
, most Muslim women wear
to show respect for their religion.
, a
only reveals the religion of a woman. It does not state anything about her
or personality. A
’s lifestyle, preferences and habits,
on the other hand
, give more clues regarding their
and personality.
For instance
, I have personally met many people who dress modestly but live a life full of passion, ambition and adventure. Obviously, there is little we can deduce from their choice of clothes. Mahatma Gandhi, who earned India independence from the mighty British Empire, was greatly admired for his right conduct and honesty. He used to wear only a loin cloth to cover his
body but
Accept comma addition
body, but
he possessed great virtues unknown to many. At
, the British rulers chose to ignore him because they could never imagine that a half-naked fakir would one day shake the very foundations of their empire. In conclusion, the choice of clothing or external appearances are not a reflection of a
’s culture or
. They can at best show whether a
is modern or traditional. They don’t give any clues to their
or values.
Submitted by af247100 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • garments
  • traditional attire
  • sartorial choices
  • expressive style
  • cultural identity
  • psychological implications
  • non-verbal cues
  • globalization
  • perceptions
  • professional demeanor
  • societal norms
  • economic constraints
  • subcultures
  • fashion movements
  • individualism
  • stereotype
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