The reason why you know what you know is because your ancestors have decided to share it with you. Compared to other species in nature, we have very effective ways of transmitting
from one
to another. Luckily for us, it has allowed us to strive as a
others were led to extinction.
effective mechanism of
transmission relies on important decisions that leaders of any
must take regarding what
is worth transmitting to the younger
as well as how it must be transmitted in
to be applied effectively. Reflecting upon
important responsibility that must be tackled by the older
found in present days, is our current educational system within western
the younger
with the necessary
and skills that will allow them to tackle
problems in the
? After careful analysis and reflection, it is with shame to admit that we are dramatically failing to prepare the younger
for the
upon which they will be asked to contribute in the
, the current
of presenting
through hypothetical examples and artificially constructed problems failed to render a realistic view of the
and a sense of purpose to the younger
. The majority of assignments a
will be tasked to accomplish during his educational journey depend on established axiomatic reasoning upon which he must adopt in
to successfully complete the task.
, the expected outcome of any assignment is either right or wrong, which
prepare the
to solve problems which have either a right or a wrong
, realistic problems that the
within his
life will not be clearly
well as lacking any established paradigm about the correct reasoning
to adopt in
to reach a successful
, any task the
will likely
in his
do not have a clearly
right or wrong answer.
, a young
that has been thought to navigate a
where any problems have established
and binary
will most likely feel confused during adulthood where he is being tasked to perform in a
where problems are not only lacking methodologies, but more importantly are simply not defined.
, the current grading
where mistakes are rendered as the worst nightmare any
during his educational journey lead him into a state of mind where fear inhibits any creative action. As previously mentioned, any important problems the
will be facing in the
has no predefined path upon which one must travel in
to find a
. The only
that increases the chance of success to any unsolved puzzle is the joy of iterated failures and creative attempts.
, the current younger
is expecting a
upon which failure is to be avoided at all cost in
to accomplish their dream of contributing meaningfully to society.
, a
who knows all the answers to any potential question will be very ineffective within a
where he is being tasked to create questions
of answering them. The current
of transmitting
to the younger
relies upon passive education upon which students are encouraged to passively listen and memorize facts to make sure they are capable of answering questions during exams. There is a false perception about believing that students attending a lecture are the one benefiting the most during the
as opposed to the teacher giving the lecture. Contrary to common belief, the teacher lecturing has the opportunity to not only enhance his understanding of the given subject, but more importantly enhanced is communication skills as well as becoming comfortable about facing unpredictable questions that could bring reflective instability.
, students are introduced into the practical
expecting to come up with the ability to
execute as opposed to
listen, which they have been trained to do very well during the
20 years of their educational life.
From a different perspective, comparing the current
of education found within western societies with countries lacking any educational system render it as an ideal educational
that should be imitated and encouraged.
perspective failed to acknowledge the importance of evaluating any educational
with respect to the cultural landscape upon which the
will be tasked to perform in the
to say, the younger
found within countries lacking any structured educational
will not face the same kind of challenges that the younger
found within western societies. Within a
upon which any repetitive tasks have been automated
robotics, creative thinking is left to be the desired skills upon which the current generating should be thought to excel at.
, in my opinion, it is safe to claim that the younger
found within western societies is failing to receive the proper education that would allow them to have the necessary
and skills required to tackle the challenges they will likely
within their adulthood. As a potential avenue, a transition toward an inquiry based educational
could be established where the students are left with the task of rationally assessing potential problems and solutions under the guidance of teachers guiding their thinking through
open-ended questionSuggestion
open-ended questions
an open-ended question
of letting the
develop their own proof of what they think the
should be. With these principles, the
is actively tasked to find creative solutions as well as encouraged to fail in
to gain the
that comes out of the unexpected outcomes.
, the
becomes a master practitioner since he must actively find ways to test different hypotheses as well as assessing the potential paths of interpretation and their consequences. Altogether, since we have been gifted by nature the ability to think creatively and explore the most mysterious territories, it is
our interest to enhance
creative ability within our younger