Nowadays, technology ruling the world so we should use that automation
of blaming. I completely go with positive side. Linking Words
, some drawbacks are there, but that's been very minor when compared to the advantages
In the world, everyone have the computer or smart phones, so we can get any information in a Linking Words
with the help of internet which is very cheap. By using Linking Words
technology, many of them working in their home, which gives many advantages because many of them do not like to go to the office where they can want put hard work for someone else organization. Linking Words
For instance
, one of my friends working as a freelancer, in that software he wants to decide the work and payment.
Students have more benefits in that technology because the capacity of understanding is differ from one student to another. Due to Linking Words
, automation has a lot of educational resources which are free to access and very easy to understand. Linking Words
For example
, I usually prefer YouTube for my studies than lecture notes, if one cannot understand that subject, Linking Words
they can repeat more time until they cleared my doubts. Linking Words
In addition
, it has so many courses which are cheap price when compared to outside. Technology provides a lot of offer while using it has more distract and disturbance
To conclude, in my view, it has more positive, Linking Words
some minor cons because positive or negative is depends on our mindsets. Linking Words
but not least everyone has pros and cons, so we should focus on the good thingsLinking Words