Computers are often argued to be the most important invention of the last hundred years. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The Computers are relatively a new device due to a little ambiguous,
many people still debate the importance of developing.
, I think the invention of computers was essential in the
century. In spite of the society cannot decline the fact that in the
century the world had many other inventions
as discovering new vaccine or a car
that is
friendlier to the environment.
, some people think about
side as more important because of a tendency modifying the sickness and grow the level of pollution these contraptions seem more effective and provide more benefits.
, computers all the time are modifying because had many problems with details or the software while other discoveries had an immediate effect on people's life.
For example
the vaccine for the flu or the Ebola.
, presently many electronic devices was being elaborated on a platform of computers,
people have breakthroughs in plenty areas
as the medicine or the scientists.
For example
, many medical equipment connects to computers with interpreting of results there.
, invention the computers after allowed to create many other devices that more mobile and functional
as the smartphones or the laptops.
, people around the world via computers are working every day.
For example
, a lot of software make life of workers easier
as for bookkeeping or even the Microsoft office. To sum up, I think we cannot decline other invention as a fact that without computers many of them would not have been possible.
, in my opinion, computer devices were the best contraption in the
Submitted by ilua.cavchuk on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • invention
  • revolutionized
  • industries
  • communication
  • connectivity
  • productivity
  • efficiency
  • advancements
  • scientific research
  • technology
  • access
  • information
  • learn
  • limitations
  • disadvantages
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