IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued that computers are the most effective invention in the last years. This essay totally agrees with this statement because using computers helps to reduces paper waste, and it is a useful gadgets for learning.
In the era of globalization, a diverse range of innovations have been fabricated. However, a wide spectrum of individuals believe that the computer is considered the prime invention of the century.
Some argue that the most crucial improvement of the last century is computing. I fully agree with the former view and will demonstrate why I chose this view in the following paragraphs.
Computers are one of the irreplaceable inventions the world has seen in the century. I strongly agree to the fact as the magnitude of good will the computers have made in our lives is unremarkable.
Some people think that computers are the most significant invention of humanity in the last century. I totally agree because this electronic device is responsible for many other relevant discoveries. This essay will expl
Nowadays, technological progress has been drastically improved. Every day at least there are new upgraded technologies such as computers. As a device that has a function to manipulate information and data, computers beco
Nowadays, technological progress has been drastically improved. Every day at least there are new upgraded technologies such as computers. As a device that have a function to manipulates information and data, computers be
Nowadyas, technological progress has been drastic improved. Everyday at least there are a new upgraded technologies such as computers. As a device that have a function to manipulates information and data, computers becom
In contemporary times, technological advancement have a vital role in most people's activity particularly the usage of computer. The developments of it throughout the years providing benefits in many aspects of life. I f
There is an ongoing debate that computers are the most profound invention in the past hundred years. I strongly agree with the proponents mainly because computers improve efficiency and facilitate next inventions that re
Computers are claimed to be the major invention in the recent centuries. This essay completely agrees with this opinion because they allow people to compute a bigger range of data and they have become the main tools to s
Technology has improved a lot, and some people believe that computers are the most crucial development of the last century. However, I believe that while computers have revolutionised many aspects of human lives, other i
Technology has improved a lot, and some people believe that computers are the most crucial development of the last century. However, I believe that while computers has revolutionised many aspects in human lives, yet othe
The development of technology has been increasing in recent years, especially about computer. Many people believe that computer is the most beneficial invention in the last past ten decades. In this essay I strongly agre
We live in this age where computers are massively used for any activities that are involved in any human's daily life. Some people believe that the creation of this machine is the most crucial thing in mankind's history
The last hundred years, invention of computers frequently is said as a necessary thing. I totally agree because there is a computer can support education and business activities. This essay will elaborate in detail the r
It has became a rising issue among societies about computer which has been judged as the most important inventon since over centuries ago. This prespective is based on their focus towards computer's effects in people wor
During recent centuries, humankind has invented lots of things , accompanied by or due to the rapid progress of science and technology, such as cars, planes, medicine to cure cancers and various equipment used in factor
During recent centuries, humankind has invented lots of things , accompanied by or due to the rapid progress of science and technology, such as cars, planes, medicine to cure cancers and various equipment used in factor
Some believe the invention of computer should be considered as the most important industry of the last century, although there is another idea that mentions other inventions had more capability to be known as the best. I
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