Part-time jobs are in common across many people, especially to students doing university studies. It is a trend in students taking up any part-time jobs to cater to their needs.
, there are some pupils believe it is a sheer waste of time as it spoils the focus of studies. In my opinion, I believe enrolling in part-time jobs helps the
to manage their expenses and cover their
, there are many advantages to students out of part-time jobs. Nowadays, pupils want to be independent and look after their expenses, as they do not want to depend on their parents.
some parents are affluent, students tend to take these hourly jobs to learn and get exposure to people,
buy their wish list on their own. Perhaps,
is a life skill should be learnt from a young age to understand different people.
will bring immense satisfaction as they learn to know the value of money and time at the same time.
, it develops communication skills and they develop the maturity to handle people. To illustrate, in foreign countries, it is mandated for children to grab some part-time jobs at the age of 18 years to develop life skills. Nowadays, in India,
trend seems to be increasing, as there are students working as part-time for delivering food and driving a cab.
, some students trial under the businessman / company to learn the job. For these reasons, students are planning for hourly jobs.
, Students can pay their
loans while completing their studies. Most students who opt for university studies will get the loan to pursue their degrees. While they complete their graduation, students will work and pay back their amount to close the
will encourage and motivate them to stay focused on their studies and at work.
, they learn many things
as being responsible, accountable for their parents and improve decision skills. In 2015, the survey demonstrated by Harvard University states that 70% of students have taken their part-time jobs for paying bank loans, 20% of them to manage their social life and 10% of students opt for learning. In short, students will not give stress to their parents to pay their educational loans.
To conclude, it is likely to believe that more and more university students are taking up part-time jobs.
, students benefit in many ways by taking care of their expenses and pay educational loans. I strongly believe that students should opt for part-time jobs while they pursue their studies as it ultimately builds them constructively.