It is true that men have always been dominating the world of politics. Given the many wars throughout the history of mankind, many people believe that the world would become a better place for everyone if it were run by women. In
essay, Linking Words
, I will challenge Linking Words
school of thought.
Granted, one might argue that men are generally more aggressive by nature and Linking Words
they often resort to violence to achieve what they want. Linking Words
, to say that the world would be better governed by female politicians is to ignore the very fact that the ability to run a country lies in Linking Words
leaders’ vision
, skills and mindset, to name just a few. These vary much more significantly at an individual level rather than a gender one. Suggestion
the leaders’ vision
In other words
, many male politicians are caring and restlessly try to seek ways to resolve conflicts, while some female leaders might be determined to seek vengeance or control at the cost of their citizens’ lives.
To add Linking Words
credence to my assertion, I note that war is primarily caused by human greed and differing ideologies. With regard to the former, Linking Words
characteristic is not confined to only males, as we see, Linking Words
Linking Words
example in
the significant number of female warlords over the course of recorded history in Egypt and many other civilizations. Another factor is differences in opinions where one might believe that his or her race is superior to the other or others, leading to genocides. Again, Accept comma addition
example, in
has little to do with one’s Linking Words
gender but
his or her beliefs.
In conclusion, the negative stereotypical view towards male leaders, depicting them as violent or aggressive, should not be supported. I take Accept comma addition
gender, but
view on account of the fact that war and conflicts often result from one’s greed and differences in ideologies and that by no means is the ability to rule a nation found in one’s gender.Linking Words