4. The environment problems facing today’s world are so great that there is little ordinary people can do to improve the situations. Government and large companies should be responsible for reducing the amount of damage being done to the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Humankind is confronted with various environmental problems. It is widely believed that the impacts caused to the environment are so severe that an individual is unable to solve and only governments and enterprises can mitigate the damage. I personally disagree with
statement. On the one hand, it is apparent that we are dealing with massive environmental issues with elevating scale.
For example
, water contamination resulting from the manufacturing process of industrial companies has led to vast deaths of marine lives. With
severe damage, it is understandable that a solitary
is incapable of handling.
, the government should be responsible for alleviating these impacts by imposing strict control and punishment on enterprises who violate the environmental protection laws. I opine that these two parties are jointly accountable for solving ecological problems.
On the other hand
, each
plays an essential role in alleviating the environmental damage by applying the rules of reduce, reuse and recycle.
For instance
, everyone should cut down on their daily water usage or utilization of private vehicles during rush hours. These acts can help us avoid clean water scarcity when draughts come or reduce air pollution in the metropolis. I believe that
small and simple deeds done by a solitary
can result in positive effects on the environment if they are carried out by a large community.
, it is convincing that ordinary citizens can contribute to resolving ecological concerns. In conclusion, I am against the statement that a single
cannot deal with environmental issues. While it is true that cooperation between government and companies are pivotal to mitigating the impacts, individuals can
devote by taking small but powerful actions. I believe if everyone joins hands to solve these problems, it is possible that our future generations can live in better environmental conditions.
Submitted by thaovuphuong19 on

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