Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

International sporting occasions are fundamental for relieving international pressure, and encourage patriotic emotions in a safe form. I agree with
I believe
that is
essential to the organization of championships
as the football World Cup or Olympics, because is a good way to make better relationships between nations, and give a sense of unit between people that belong to a same geographical division. Some people disagree with the participation in international sporting events, for the reason that they consider that governments spends several money in these competitions.
, the investment that a state does in these sporting occasions could be used in areas
as health and education.
, the same countries always win those championships. Indeed, for poor nations assist to those events is only a waste of time and money.
On the other hand
, it is considered by many people that the participation in sporty occasions would help to
a country.
, they think that the presence of a nation in a football World Cup,
for example
, is a benefit for one place, in terms that the their country brand could enhance.
, for the reason that they will be seeing as a cooperative state and it is worried about of the development of soccer. Actually,
gives a great contribution economical, especially for countries that organize those championships, because the tourist have an incredible increase. To conclude, it is relevant the realization of popular events because is a way to make a good public relations between countries.
, the participation in the Olympics or American Cup,
for instance
, would help to know the identity of a place,
could help to more popular some nations and
could do that the tourism increase.

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