The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages.Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.

Nuclear weapons were developed in the
world war. Since
, for countries who have nuclear weapons, seize the opportunity to threaten others as the damages caused by atomic bombs are fatal. Some people believe that the threat of nuclear weapons helps the world remain peaceful and the nuclear
generated is cheap and environmentally friendly.
, considering the risk involved, I strongly disagree that the positive side is far outstrip than the detrimental effects but
vice versa.
of all, the potential danger of a nuclear
station can never be underestimated. Uranium, the element
that is
used to generate
, is radioactive. During fission, it releases carcinogenic radiations which burn your skin or causes cancer. You will no longer exist in a few hours if you touch those nuclear wastes.
, nature and the society would
be greatly damaged if the nuclear
plants went out of control. Millions, or even billions, of people will get killed. Major food chains, water would all be polluted.
provides cheap and clean energy, you would definitely not be willing to experience the tragedy - Chernobyl Nuclear
Plant again. Despite presenting advantages to countries owning it, a nuclear weapon can be ground off disagreement and conflict.
For instance
, North Korea, which has demonstrated its achievements in developing nuclear weapons. Even though
can scare off a country’s enemies and prevent potential attacks, it will definitely trigger a negative reaction in many peace-loving countries across the globe.
could cause confidence or trade of crises and damages the economical aspect.
As a result
, exploiting nuclear weapons would not be a good idea for those developing countries. In conclusion, difficult to handle, exploiting nuclear energy can result in human extinction.
, I firmly believe that the negative impacts of using
type of energy source are far more.
Submitted by kelvinmang888 on

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