It is no doubt that about an automation of nowadays, as today machines have quite common in all over the world. More and more individuals tend to use technology advents for saving the too much time in life. Different people have own different tasted. Certain people consume the social websites to stay connected with friend, family as well as about the functions. There are many advantages of using auto machines and some drawbacks. I will explain the pros and cons of
occur in the upcoming paragraphs.
Since an automation comes into the human's hands, people use excessive it in their life.
of all, technology has made many advancement factors. Like as, smartphones, laptops and many more. These features keep connected with each other. To cite an example, it is natural seen that, the masses either spend enough point on a laptop or smartphone. These advances hold the value of letters and email. These features offer free softwares to the people,
as wasps, Facebook, which stay connected with other people.
, technology helps to the individuals for searching the current events in their life.
, in the
five decades, people value letters, which delayed to them. But nowadays, people call to their friends easily in few minutes. Another benefit is that, the ads are playing considerable role in soul.
, with the help of automation innovation, they feel up to date with advertisements, which provide the knowledge.
, some people claim that it has some drawbacks behind
, it becomes to people lazy as well as keep in certain diseases.
, when people benefit it for a long generation. There are many hackers run some hack to an account, which has become their a business. There are many times when people get lost the money. Even though it saves the generation of people, but it generates the diseases in public heart.
To conclude, even though growth has become faster due to machinery, yet it has many benefits. I deem that it has a plethora of advantages than disadvantages. And these advantages overweight the disadvantages.