These days, there is a sharp escalation in the number of couples who do not want to bear children.
, I totally disagree with that owing to the life continuity and despite Linking Words
fact, Linking Words
trend has its benefits and drawbacks for the individuals and the society and both of them will be discussed with illustrating my opinion.
To commence with, the childlessness has advantages for the husband and his wife and the community. Linking Words
, they are able to make decisions about their life more freely when Linking Words
compared with people who have kids. it is
, they have more personal time and no financial burden for their child as Linking Words
the high
educational level. Suggestion
the highest
, childlessness leads to a decline in the population of the nation. Linking Words
, Linking Words
saves the country from the giant disaster which is over-population and citizens have better access to public services Linking Words
as education, health facilities and transport.
Linking Words
By contrast
, having no children has a plethora of disadvantages on the individuals themselves. Linking Words
For instance
, while they are growing older, they do not have anyone to take care of them and unfortunately, they will be lonely. Linking Words
In addition
to that, if more and more people choose to stay childless, the population of young people will decrease. Linking Words
As a result
, the increase in the older population will force the government to allocate more money for the old age welfare.
To summarize, everyone must think logically, wisely and more deeply before taking Linking Words
complicated decision. Linking Words
, I believe that each two couples should have their free will in Linking Words
Linking Words
matter but
they should maintain the human life and the society.Accept comma addition
matter, but