Friendships that take place online are not as meaningful as those where people meet each other face to face.

Many people believe that online
possesses less value than in-person
. I completely agree with
opinion and believe that real-life
are more meaningful because of physical presence and shared experience. Real-life
strengthen emotional connection through physical presence. It enables people to have real interactions and
, in turn, contributes to forming intimate relations and understanding. In-person
, in fact, allow individuals to hear the tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions, and
it helps to facilitate effective communication.
, physical interactions,
for example
, high-fives, hugs and shared activities can forge a strong affinity and sharpen a keen sense of emotional intimacy that may be quite difficult to replace entirely through virtual interactions.
For example
, non-verbal cues, like posture, paralanguage, and eye contact, can deepen the intimate connection. Physical
build lasting relationships
due to
shared experiences. In real-life
, people often have shared experiences in real-world settings.
That is
to say that they take pleasure trips, attend social events, or take part in recreational activities together. In consequence, these shared experiences create abiding memories and can impart a keen sense of camaraderie to the relationship.
For instance
, going on an excursion with friends can create affectionate moments that
a lifetime, enhancing the
experience. These aspects are the inherent value contributing to the quality of
and virtual
completely lack these features.
To conclude
, I believe that true
can only be built on physical presence and shared experience that cannot take place in virtual
. It is
proves to be more meaningful.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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relevant specific examples
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clear comprehensive ideas
The essay mainly covers the positive aspects of face-to-face friendships. It will be beneficial to acknowledge briefly any potential advantages of online friendships and then refute them. This can make your argument more balanced and sophisticated.
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • non-verbal communication cues
  • depth of understanding
  • spontaneous
  • genuine moments
  • shared interests
  • sense of physical presence
  • evolve
  • constant connectivity
  • nurture friendships
  • busy schedules
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