With the growing society and increasing population density the availability of space to build new houses is a major concern these days, with the only option left for expansion of new homes being the countryside. But some people believe it is more important to protect the it and avoid building new houses there. I agree with
opinion and the following essay will outline the reasons for my belief.
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To begin
with, there are numerous reasons for my opinion, the Linking Words
and the foremost being the pressure, that the advancement of infrastructure will put on the biotic and abiotic factors of the village environment. Countrysides have great diversity of plants and animal life, which are not only beautiful, but each one of them has a vital role in their respective ecosystem.Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
construction has led to decrease in snake population, in rural areas, resulting in a subsequent increase in mice population that eat up a major portion of agriculture produce each year. With the development of houses the vegetation will have to be cleared off and the animals will lose their habitat, Linking Words
leading to greater environmental loss.
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, with the development of homes in remote areas, the public in these areas would Linking Words
increase which would result in pollution as an outcome of day to day human activities. Linking Words
, Linking Words
would greatly compromise on the quality of living off all life forms in the countryside and Linking Words
disrupt its scenic beauty. Linking Words
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Thus damaging
a beautiful environment.Accept comma addition
Thus, damaging
, For an illustration take the case of Himalayan villages which after facing major plastic pollution have banned its use altogether.
To sum up, I would like to highlight that development of homes in rural areas has enormous adverse effects on its environment and to protect the same, construction of homes should be avoided there. Linking Words
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Instead some
innovative solutions should be employed to solve the problem of space crunch.Accept comma addition
Instead, some