Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages

In modern society, there is an upward tendency in the trend of becoming parents later of many couples. From my perspective, it gives more disadvantageous than advantageous influences. With regard to benefits, there are two main points that people make a decision to give birth at later stages of
, they have more
to enjoy their
when they are young. It is understandable that when they have babies, most of
for personal hobbies and passions usually reduces and
they spend
raising their children. The
point is ensuring finance that supports for their children to live in a better condition. More often than not they just start their career and have lower income so they decide to focus on earning money until they have strong finance enough to take responsibility of their children.
, it is undeniable that drawbacks of having babies later bring to family
and society. The more
they spend delaying to have babies, the more negative the impact on both giving and raising babies
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In fact, it is hard for mothers over the age of 35 to ensure health for both mothers and babies in the prenatal and postnatal period. Because at that
, the health and physiology of women are not as good as when they were young.
, their babies being born may be less physically healthy.
In addition
, the choice of having children
later usually
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later, usually
make an age gap between two generations.
barrier to understand and communicate with their offspring in parenting. In conclusion, there are some reasons why current people prefer to have babies when being older, but I believed that
makes more negative than positive impacts for on family

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