Over the recent years, protecting animals is a hot issue, and there is no doubt that people have failed to defend fauna.
essay is going to discuss several causes and methods for Linking Words
There are two main casual factors why governments have not succeeded in animal protection. The Linking Words
prominent reason is that trees are being cut down by local people to make way for planting crops, constructing houses or raising livestock, which lead to the destruction of natural habitats. That explains why animals do not have wild forests to shelter, so they easily become humans’ targets, and be hunted for fur, horns or food. Another perceived ground is that some extreme weather and climate events have increased in recent decades. Linking Words
For instance
, bush fires happening in Australia Linking Words
year are extremely severe. Linking Words
, over one billion animals Linking Words
as koalas, kangaroos and exotic birds died, and other animals are at risk of extinction.
Linking Words
, there are two main approaches to tackle with Linking Words
matter. The most magnificent solution for protecting animals is to raise awareness of humans’ impact on environmental protection. Linking Words
For example
, governments can have some campaigns in order to help local people realize the dangers of clearing up huge plots of wild forests, and through that natural habitat for a wide range of animals are protected. A Linking Words
technique is that authorities should have more effective policies to diminish the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, and take responsibility for planting trees. Linking Words
, we can prevent extreme weather conditions Linking Words
as climate change, global warming and greenhouse effect, so people can save a lot of endangered species.
To sum up, there are some reasons that explains why there is a decrease in the quantity of fauna, and governments should have some methods to deal with Linking Words
problem. Linking Words
, we can maintain and conserve biodiversity on the earth.Linking Words