Nowadays, children watch TV more than they did in the past. What are the reasons? Give solution.

In the
couple of years, it has been observed that the children have started spending a huge amount of time watching the television as compared to the old days. There are a number of causes behind
as improved and easy accessibility to the channels at much lower rental charges and much more. In
essay the reasons will be discussed and the remedies to fix
problem will
be highlighted. The foremost reason is the improved cable and dish facilities at a cheaper cost in the present era, making the availability of a vast channel option to the every household. Special cartoon channels are available these days,
for example
; cartoon network, Disney channel, and a lot of others, which broadcast the cartoons and the children shows 24/7.
, in the earlier days there used to be a fixed and short slot for the programs related to the youngsters.
, from the very young age parents make their babies to sit in front of the television to divert their attention and keep them busy, but later on
develops as a permanent habit. Another reason is the reduced interest of the youth in the physical activities and sports and more inclination towards the virtual shows
as, Pokémon and Bheem and games like as PubG, Ludo and a many others. To overcome
situation, changes are required to be made from the very early stage. The parents should get their wards involved in sports and activities like book reading, painting, karate, e
that can develop their heath and intellect. The teenagers should be guided to take one game so as keep them focused and busy.
practice will
help in diverting their interest away from the television. Apart from
, a timetable should be designed for them to fix the timing for the usage of the electronic gadgets. In the conclusion, it can be said that
the improved technology has made a lot of new facilities available to every house these days, which has attracted a lot of people especially children towards it. But,
has a negative impact on them, which makes it a necessity to keep a check on its usage and limiting its accessibility.

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