Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that university subjects should have the same amount of women and men. With
idea probably the world could be more equal, due to both genders would have the same opportunities to obtain knowledge.
, in my view,
though is utopic for the reason that male and female have different abilities, which should have used according what is easier for them. If colleges force to incorporate more women in careers related to math or science, the world likely would change, because the “weaker sex” would have more chance to show their abilities in those
record in a public office or in a court of law
has as a consequence a fair planet, for the reason that feminine sex had not had an equal participation through of years.
would be a great opportunity for giving back all lost years,
, is a way to do justice.
, many studies show that the abilities between a man and a woman are different. With
I don’t want to say that one gender is better than another, only I’m expressing that their skills have been
according to their role in the survive.
For example
, women are better in empathy and comprehension, so they would be higher in professions in the health area.
On the other hand
, men are more calculated and good with numbers,
they could work better in careers
as engineers and maths. In conclusion, I understand that the world wants to be more equal for female, so for
cause some persons want to in every area is divided between a woman and a man.
However in
Accept comma addition
However, in
my opinion
idea is quite utopic, for the fact that both sexes have different skills, which is
having been demonstrated or verified beyond doubt
with many scientific studies.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • gender diversity
  • fostering innovation
  • educational experience
  • enforcing gender quotas
  • merit and potential
  • individual achievements
  • natural differences
  • gender equality
  • reducing gender stereotypes
  • balanced workforce
  • traditionally male-dominated or female-dominated fields
  • fluctuating applicant numbers
  • compromise on quality
  • diversity aspects
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