Despite of the fact that agricultural methods have improved drastically throughout these years, yet there are tons of people around the globe those are starving. There are various reasons for
situation, and the major ones are lack of distribution of resources and the rise in the population. Linking Words
, there are plenty of solutions in order to minimize it.
The inadequate food supply management system and improvised method of their distribution causes food scarcity, because there are a lot of underdeveloped nations where people reside in remote areas and authorities do not bother to circulate supplements on these places. Linking Words
For instance
, countries like Africa is Linking Words
country which is suffering from Linking Words
kind of challenges. Linking Words
, the rise in the human population can Linking Words
be seen as an issue for Linking Words
, because in spite of high-tech equipment, production of vital crops for massive population is difficult.
In order to solve Linking Words
problem, the government needs to ensure that poverty-stricken people get necessary edible items at a very less price, so that they do not experience starvation. Linking Words
For example
, in India authorities have made ration cards for people below the poverty line, so that they can have supplements at cheap price. Linking Words
, meals which are over left in wedding and parties can be distributed to homeless people Linking Words
of throwing them.
In conclusion, hunger is still a major problem the world is facing in Linking Words
21st century, caused by inappropriate distribution of food. Linking Words
, the government can provide required supplement to underprivileged people.Linking Words