Nowadays, with the advent of technology and globalization, people's lives are becoming more technological and modern.
is because the more progressed
people live in, the more modern ways they learn.
phenomena cause traditional
is going loss and disappearing in the modern
the modern
are easier
an the traditional
, but traditional
fit fo
it is important to preserve them as they could prove beneficial for our new generations.
and foremost, traditional
is important to our health. Recently, people are more prone to various diseases due to the reason of unhealthy diet pattern and lifestyle. The various
as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer.
is because in
, many of people prefer to eat fast foods which will harm people’s healthy, b
situation can be solve easi
adopting the natural ways of diet pattern. In traditiona
, people more prefer to home cook which will reduce not necessary salt and oil. People
prefer to eat the natural and organic food.
, traditional
important to our
. Most of the
and histories have been made by the tradition
as historical building of each
, food, traditional wear, music and art. So, if the traditional
are not pr
eserve and forgeSuggestion
does not preserve
doesn't preserve
t by
, it might be destroying
istory will not be knowing by
new generations
a new generation
the new generation
, usually traditional ways of
contributes a sense of belonging and comfort. It bring the
y member together and enables people to reconnect with their friends. In
, many of people are busy in their work and study.
, appearance
ducts, it cause the
ionship of people become more far.
is because nowadays many of people always stay in front of computer, laptop and mobile phone.
, in tradition
, family member and friend always stay and play together
as play chess. In the one hand, parents should spe
to their c
ldren and teach them regarding to the traditional thing.
, they will know and understand the history and
thing and it
can reduce in social criminal.
Before arrive in
there are some Suggestion
a conclusion, there
a conclusion there
the conclusion there
methods to keep our traditional ways of
, the government could merge the traditional thing into our into school curriculum.
, students would understand and have aware of their past and they would inherit traditiona
, the government should encourage and promote the personalities and organizations that have maintained the traditional styles and their belongings.
, they
can used the t
tional thing as a brand ambassador to spread
knowledge to other sections of
In conclusion, traditional lifestyle gives many benefit to
festyle lead us fo
tter tom
orrow but it helps Suggestion
a better tomorrow, but
a better tomorrow but
us to create a healthy and harmony