In some areas of the US, a ‘curfew’ is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this?

There is no doubt that in some places of the United States has a curfew policy, where young children are not allowed to go out at a certain time of
without parents or
company. I agree with
, from the perspective of safety that
policy will protect teenagers from dangers. Most teenagers are not mature, so they cannot judge any situations, whether safe or unsafe.
For example
, some drugs are sold illegally at nightclubs. There is a potential chance that those drugs can be sold to these teenagers who may be curious. If they take it which may cause health problems and
affect their studies and even their whole life.
In addition
, most crimes happen at nighttime because the dark can hide their actions.
, they often choose an individual as their target. If the young child goes out at
, especially at late
, they are very easy as the target of criminals.
, it would be unrealistic to ban teenagers from going out at
altogether. Sometimes, they have an after school study that they need to complete, things like piano class or math class. Those extra studies sometimes need to take part in at
due to teachers’ schedule. In
case, it is preferably with the parent company or someone in the family to go with them. Doing so can effectively protect the safety of children and
ensure their studies.
, on the emotional side, the companionship of a parent can enhance the relationship with their children.
company will make their children feel safer. In conclusion, I totally agree with that some areas have to keep curfew. Only by doing so, can we have a safe environment for our children.
Submitted by dengcheng12 on

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