I personally believe and agree that our personalities are predetermined
of our genes before we are born.
is because we every single of us are unique and different. Only with the unique in us, we can have different ways to treat things and different ways to think. These
of thinking can lead to innovations or even to new theories in different subjects. I respect the
our genes as I consider it as a part of the gift
godthe supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions
gave to us when we were born.
I agree
part of the sentence, but I disagree with the
part of the sentence which is saying that there is nothing that we can do to change or adjust it. I believe that we can change anything in the world as long as we have the heart to succeed and a determined mind.
, I believed that when we are young, we will be easily influenced and changed by the environment and the people around us. These factors
to shape our
when we are young. Living near the forest when we are young may develop a
that more willing to
tyrmake an effort or attempt
new things.
is because he or she might already have tried many new kinds of things when they were young as there are many different and special things in the forest
as small animals for them to discover.
Another factor that might change the
is the people
around us when we are young.
is a gigantic factor as your
changes when you are being with a certain group of people for a long period of time. There is an
in Chinese called “近朱者赤
can be defined as when you are near the
colora visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect
you will
become red, when you are near the
colora visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect
you will
become black. The
colora visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect
red symbolizes good and nice people in
and the
colora visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect
black symbolizes bad people
as people that does not respect others. So,
can be defined as when you stay with people that are good and nice, you will slowly become a good and nice person too. When you are being with people that are bad and bullies other, you will slowly become and join one of them too. From
we can learn that people can be changed and influenced by other people.
So, in conclusion, I believe that our
is determined by our genes before we were born. But, our
can be changed by people and the environment around us or even by ourselves.