The travel industry is getting progressively significant as a wellspring of income to numerous nations.
tourism has lots of advantages, there are as many drawbacks.
One evident benefit of tourism is economic growth, especially in developing countries. Linking Words
In other words
, hotels, restaurants, bars, and entertainment facilities all see an immediate influx, giving more income to the country. The rise in demand for the leisure industry Linking Words
results in them seeking more employees, giving more opportunities to the locals. Another benefit would be that visiting other countries could reduce racism in people’s mind, and develop a deeper understanding of other cultures. By spending time discovering different religions, they will improve their tolerance, which is important in our society.
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On the other hand
, there are obvious disadvantages to travel. Linking Words
, it can increase the crime rate of a country. Take the city of Paris as an example. Pickpockets always target visitors of the French capital because not only they are seen as easy prey, as they are in unfamiliar territory, but Linking Words
they carry visible items of wealth. Linking Words
As a result
, the city can be seen as less attractive for the public to frequently visit. Linking Words
, it has bad effects on the environment. A good illustration of Linking Words
is pollution. When a lot of people visit, they invariably burden the transportation system and contribute to pollution, which impacts air quality. Long-term exposure to polluted air can have permanent effects on health Linking Words
as developing diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and possibly cancer.
To conclude, there are many advantages to travelling like improving tolerance and economic growth. Linking Words
, the negatives involved can be too damaging to be disregarded.Linking Words