Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and business. Why do you think that is?

Nowadays, only a few people show interest in the arts,
is mainly because of the technological improvements, which makes them to focus on science, technology and business. But, once art was regarded as the fundamental aspect in almost all the cultures in the entire world. In my opinion, people have to prioritize their time for arts, in order to prevent their
from getting extinct.
, all the individuals have to understand the importance of
and diversity.
, to learn and explore various things about their
, it requires understanding of the basic phenomena.
For instance
, we cannot simply convince a student by orally telling the significance of the arts. Indeed, it has to be felt by that particular individual.
, the basic knowledge is the key factor for learning cultures.
, it has to be taught as a part of the curriculum in the schools.
, by learning
from a young age will create a profound impact in the student life.
For example
, if the schools consider arts and science as the same, and provide equal importance for both, it is automatically reflected in the students learning patterns.
, emphasizing at a very young age will make some huge transitions. In conclusion, as a human our
duty must be preserved
, rather than letting it fade away. Though, we are in a hectic schedule, a certain amount of time has to be segregated for the conservation of cultures and rituals, and as a responsible adult we have to convey it to our successors.
Submitted by convictedengineers on

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