Advancement in the medicinal field has led to increase in the life tenure of the humans.The new drugs are tested several rounds on the animals before its human use.While some think it is important to test these drugs on the animals, others are of the belief
that is
it a heinous and unimportant act.
Apparently, a new way of testing drugs on animals is being followed in Linking Words
few decades, which is important for determining its safety.Linking Words
, human life is more precious than the animals used for testing Linking Words
as rats.Linking Words
For instance
, if a medicine is tested on humans Linking Words
of animals, it can have detrimental health issues on the subject.Linking Words
, research on animals has paved a way for new treatments, which are now helpful in saving the human life.
Contrastingly, there are numerous cases in which the animals used for testing die during the experiments.Linking Words
, it does not mean that if the animal testing of a medicine is showing the expected results than it is fit for the human usage Linking Words
.According to the experts, every year several millions of the animals die due to side effects of the trials.What is more important is that the animals Linking Words
have the same rights as humans and should not be tampered.
To conclude, animals form an integral part of the ecosystem, which can be disturbed if extensive animal testing is done, leading to extinction of a species due to deaths.In my view, the testing should be banned on any creature apart from the humans as positive results will be a fruitful to us only..Linking Words