Some people feel that entertainers (e.g. film stars, pop musicians or sports stars) are paid too much money. Do you agree or disagree? Which other types of jobs should be highly paid?

It is often argued that people who work in the entertainment industry
as movie stars, musicians, and sports stars are being overpaid. I totally agree with the notion and
I will describe other occupations that I think should receive higher salaries. There are two reasons why I feel the salaries are too high. The main reason is because the entertainers’ income does not reflect the amount of work they do.
For instance
, a top film star can easily make million dollars of money by acting in a single film.
amount may never be reached by many people during their life, no matter how hard working they are.
In addition
, if we base a person’s income, according to their relative contribution to community the incomes of entertainers seem too high.
is because entertainment is not a key factor in our society as much as other fields
as science and technology. There are other professions that are worthy to be paid more for their work. More specifically, people who make a big contribution to public should be rewarded more.
For instance
, since doctors can save many lives and give people hope, they should receive a high amount of salary to reflect the meaningful contributions they make. Another type of occupation deserving to receive a good remuneration is those who bear large responsibilities.
For example
, teachers who contribute to the education of the
generation seem to be underpaid. In conclusion, entertainers do not offer anything greater than other people who are working in other industries.
As a result
, I totally agree that society is overpaying the people in the entertainment industry.
, I would recommend that people who contribute more to the society should be rewarded appropriately.
Submitted by k9ihj5h on

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