The environmental problems that today's world is facing are so great that there is little ordinary people can do to improve the situation. So government and large organizations should be responsible for reducing the amount of damage being done to the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Environmental issues
as global warming, air pollution, wildlife extinction… have dramatically increased and become a significant concern over the
few decades. Some people argue that government and big organizations should take responsibility to reduce them. I am of the opinion that these problems should be addressed by individuals.
To begin
with, every individual who is living in
society should be responsible for
protection. A great deal of actions can be taken to protect our planet
as getting rid of cutting trees, growing trees in the forest or around our house as well as stopping deforestation. Because tree can do Carbon dioxide absorption and release Oxygen,
more trees should be a good solution.
Moreover if
Accept comma addition
Moreover, if
deforestation is reduced, we are able to keep natural habitat for wild life and avoid wildlife extinction as well. Another aspect of contribution at the personal level in
protection should be considered is that we can actually take some good habits in daily basis in dealing with environmental problems. We can always bring along recycle bags
of using plastic or rubbish ones as fewer plastic bags being used means that less air pollution or dump sites. We
cut down residential waste, donate money to environmental organizations or call others on
mission. From small, realistic actions, together we can make the greatest contribution to protecting our
. To sum up, responsibility for
protection should be ours. By practical actions mentioned above, I firmly believe that we can save the earth for our life as well as for our future generation.
Submitted by trieuchinhpro on

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