Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Momentarily, people are becoming aware about the juvenile’s nurturing. Some people perceive that the child should be grown in a competitive atmosphere which provides them energy for the
, others think that the child must be ready to cooperate with others
of doing a competition. The essay will discuss my stance with arguments in below paragraphs.
To begin
with, the former view will inform the juvenile about the current situation. As in
modernized world, people are using technology. Due to
many number of jobs are declining.
will encourage them to
harder to acquire better position.
, with the advancement of the technology, many things are replaced with the invention.
will create an example for them if they use a traditional method; not acquire the new skills they will
not be expected by the society.
For example
, many adolescents will lose their job; as having competitive market, which delivers the fresher having more capacity compare to them.
On the other hand
, others think that the juvenile should teach about the cooperation with others. The
reason is that
will provide them a positive atmosphere where one can get the help and learn the new skill with the help of nearby person.
, another reason is that
will maintain their health. As having moral strength help to reduce the stress of
; not resulted in major diseases.
For instance
, research conducted shows that personal growth is increased if they
in a team; which delivers them a support. In conclusion, as per my opinion, the former view is most important. As
will teach them knowledge about the current situation and encourage them to
hard to acquire the goals.
Submitted by khatripankil3 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • encourage
  • compete
  • cooperate
  • useful
  • adults
  • skills
  • motivation
  • drive
  • resilience
  • failure
  • workplace
  • empathy
  • social skills
  • reduce
  • stress
  • pressure
  • balanced
  • approach
  • ideal
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