In these days, the growing number of populations in urban areas causes the social some negative issues. In
essay, I will discuss the reasons and propose some solutions.
The primary trouble of overpopulation is that the environment can be affected seriously. In detail, more private vehicles will be used, which leads to air pollution or noise pollution due to the amount of dust and smoke emitted by many motorcycles or cars. To solve Linking Words
problem, the government should tax private transportation so that people will use public transport Linking Words
. With many comfortable features Linking Words
as air conditioner, avoid ultraviolet rays or hot sun on high-temperature days, public transport should be prioritized. Linking Words
, if personal vehicles were limited, accidents or traffic congestion would be decreased as well.
The Linking Words
problem is the social security issue. Specifically, many people relocate to urban areas to find jobs or earn money. Linking Words
, due to the lack of jobs or qualifications, they easily become unemployed and fall into bad behaviours Linking Words
as theft, drug addiction, possession of illegal substances,... Linking Words
problem could be addressed by installing more CCTV in highly concentrated state areas. Linking Words
, the authority should intervene in severely punishing those who have committed social disorder behaviour to minimize crime rates.
The Linking Words
issue is the high cost of living in urban areas might be difficult for the poor to pay the living expense. Linking Words
In other words
, living in big cities means that people have to spend a large proportion of their salary on shelter, food, transport, and apparel,... Which puts their lives under pressure. An immediate solution is to redistribute citizens commute to rural areas, which can balance the community of each region and not overload the society in the main area.
To sum up, with the discussed-above problems and solutions for the growing population in urban areas, the government should put in place policies that encourage people to plan a family.Linking Words