It is an irrefutable fact that the trend of purchasing new model of vehicles every year and it create lots of problems towards the populated cities and conjuncted places. Some people assert that the personal transportation should be banned in some crowded areas in the cities. In my opinion, it is true to control traffic jam, the private vehicles should be restricted in major provinces. In
essay, I intend to explore and my views before the reasonable conclusion can be drawn.
There are several beneficial facts behind these steps. Linking Words
, Every country has it’s tourist attraction places where it is very difficult to access personal motors which create trouble for folks. Linking Words
, The government continuously always updates their methods to solve the problem by providing sub trains, local taxis, so that the people can travel easily. For an instance, The capital city of India, The Delhi government take an action like even odd system traffic, it means three days in a week only even number plate sedan should be entered is restricted areas and the rest of the other days odd licence plate cars.
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, Increasing the rapid amount of Transport always produce air pollution, which emits Co2 gas in the atmosphere. Because of Linking Words
, the global warming change the weather condition likely we can see. Nowadays seasonal condition is getting worse every year. Linking Words
, there is. Linking Words
bad impact on human being as well, Linking Words
as health condition, asthma problems, skin burning and so on.
To put in a nutshell, I pen down and say that banning private motor cars is the successful way to rid of traffic concern as well as clean our environment.Linking Words
Navjot Singh