Some people think that because some children find some subjects such as mathematics and philosophy difficult they ought to be optional instead of compulsory. To what extent do you agree?

Education plays a major role in the mental development of a child. There is serious thought that goes behind designing the curriculum to ensure a child’s overall cognitive development. Some people,
, contend that children should be given a
whether they want to study certain subjects that are considered to be difficult by them or not. I do not agree that students should be given
before they enter high school for a variety of reasons. The reason why some subjects,
as mathematics and philosophy, are made mandatory for all the students is to make sure that the learners can develop the skills of logical thinking and a basic understanding of the philosophical thought process. Learning varying concepts of mathematics equips a person with the ability to handle everyday tasks more efficiently.
For instance
, a child who has
how to multiply numbers will take less time to carry out simple calculations involving the concepts of multiplication than a person who does not know how to multiply. Overall, it is of utter importance to teach kids certain subjects
required by rule
in order for them to imbibe the basic skills required to efficiently do routine jobs.
On the contrary
, while giving a
to children to omit some difficult subjects from their syllabus will reduce stress, it will
lead to underdeveloped necessary intellectual capabilities,
as the will to overcome difficulties. Humans have to face many testing situations throughout their lives and giving an option to shy away from problems early on will set a bad precedent. Studies have shown that students who put in the effort to learn the difficult concepts tap into those parts of the brain that other people don’t.
, leaving out the difficult subjects from the syllabus is not a favourable scenario for a child’s growth. To conclude, it can be said that the curriculums are crafted to maximize a student’s learning and children should not be given the
to remove subjects that they find difficult at least before they reach high school. Learning certain basic skills,
as calculations, in the early days of schooling is crucial for a human being.
Submitted by Aditya Bhardwaj on

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