It is considered that in these contemporary eras, the homeless people are increasing day by day. Some people think the best way to assist them is by bestowing capital.
essay disagrees with the above statement because these types of people need intelligence and guide to move ahead and only giving money is not a solution.
To commence with, homeless people urge more support and opportunities to make them rid of their homeless problem. In order to give them opportunities to work, they need technique so the government can organise some training centre for them to develop their experience. Linking Words
For instance
, the government can spend money in the training centre and teach them in varieties of experience like sewing clothes, cookery, farming and so on. If the people became proficient, they will work and can live easily by doing the task. Linking Words
, conferring capital is not the key of success to needy people. Because they have a long way to live so they need wage for while their life and it's not possible to proffer them wealth every moment they need. But if they know some work Government can invest capital and make them engaged in those jobs where they are capable. Linking Words
For example
, a recent study concluded that 80% homeless people getting cash from different agencies, but it's only make them live comfortably for a certain generation. Linking Words
, focus should be given to making them proficiency and grant training to mitigate the homeless issues.
Linking Words
, some people might think we should give them fund to succour them. So that they can buy commodities and material Linking Words
as clothes, food and other needed thing and assist them to be happy. But, in my opinion money is just for a certain space after finishing capital again, they have to ask someone for help. That's why the best method to give happy and comfortable life for those who don't have a house is to give them some training. Linking Words
, free information for those who are kids so they can develop their knowledge and became a skilled person in future. To exemplify, giving training to children can develop them like personal and cognitive development which Linking Words
enrich the power of a country. Linking Words
, rather than conferring capital to the needy people, the best way to aid them is giving good learning and suitable skills.
To sum up, Linking Words
some people think we can help homeless people by giving wealth to them to live a happy life, in my opinion, property can be finished any past, but training and schooling confer them opportunities to earn payment so focus should be given on training and teaching.Linking Words