Generally speaking, school material can be either written by teachers or government.
the latter executes Linking Words
task might be of high benefit, yet I am in favour of tutors doing it. Below is a brief of the reasons behind my opinion.
The Linking Words
and most important reason is that professors are the ones who teach and Linking Words
know very well what is relevant to students to memorize at each period and what doesn't sound efficient. Linking Words
is because practice and repetition allow them to know what goes best with the new generations. Linking Words
For example
, learning math in Arabic was found to be very hard by doctors. Linking Words
is why they suggested to switch to English language. In conclusion, unfortunately, government people have never taught Linking Words
materials. Linking Words
, Linking Words
makes it clear why they should not interfere with it. Linking Words
, a statistic published by Annahar magazine stated that 80% of citizens under the age of 18 prefer to have a curriculum written by teachers.
Related to Linking Words
another point of view that explains the fact that tutors are in daily contact with students and Linking Words
can know their feedback about the books and what really interests and is of high benefit for them. Linking Words
is because the latter trusts their teachers and communicate frankly with them. Linking Words
For example
, I remember when I was at school, we used to complain that one of the Math lessons was too difficult for a baccalaureate related to science and it should be taught at university Linking Words
. Teachers did their best to remove it. From Linking Words
, it becomes quite evident who should handle the task.
In conclusion, teachers are the experts and the ones who can communicate on a daily basis with their subordinates and that's why they should handle all materials. Despite the importance of government interference, and after analysing the subject, it is predicted that teachers will forever be stronger when it comes to deciding what to teach.Linking Words
Miriam Medawar